I Am Shook! Teens Can Feel Better by Managing Emotions


Teenage emotions can run high! And those feelings don’t always make sense. From a biblical perspective, teens learn to understand and regulate their emotions by changing their thinking and choosing positive actions, which helps them feel better!

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Are you heartbroken from a devastating breakup? So mad at your parents you can hardly breathe? Down in the dumps, but don’t know why? How do you handle all the feelings that come at you rapid-fire when you are a teenager? It’s tough, but there is a way!

Emotions are important, but we can’t let them take over our lives. Feelings are like warning flags that tell us we need to deal with something. Sometimes we need to work through grief or loss. Sometimes we need to manage our anger. Sometimes we need to hold back tears. Sometimes your feelings don’t match with reality! And here’s the truth–our feelings lie to us because our hearts are deceitful. It is possible to understand feelings and to learn how to deal with them. It takes understanding, knowing God, and trusting Him.

In this class, students will learn:
1. the importance and purpose of feelings,
2. why teenage emotions are weird,
3. what do feelings mean,
4. and then how to regulate or change their feelings!

Through visuals, instruction, role-play, and practice, students will begin to live with and control their own feelings.

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